Day: November 21, 2018

Battle of Tours

Book Review: “Path of the Martyrs” by Ed West

Ed West is a British author of compact, popular histories, mostly focused on the Middle Ages. His most recent is The Path of the Martyrs: Charles Martel, The Battle of Tours and the Birth of Europe on the 732 battle that may have been a decisive check on the advance of Islam. The book is […]

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John Cantacuzenus Legacy

Fall of Byzantium: The Legacy of John Cantacuzenus

The previous post in the Fall of Byzantium series is here. When Emperor John VI Cantacuzenus abdicated and entered a monastery in 1354, he had played a major role in the empire for more than three decades. Over the next nine years, he would write the history of this time, an apology for his career. This […]

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